If my memory is correct the first computer I actually used was at school and it was a "Research machines 380z" a true beast of a machine which when launched in 1977 ran at 4mhz and supported between 4 and 56k Ram. This advert details the monster spec you get for nearly £1800! which back in 1977 was a 'lot' of cash
Next our school got hold of the now infamous BBC Model A & B computers which ran at 1.8 MHz and had upto 64k Ram - I remember the sound capabilities were pretty advanced for the day
The first computer I remember using at home was the Apple IIe ('e' standing for enhanced). Ours came with 3 external 5 1/4 inch drives and I remember spending the entire summer programming in code for games that I got from a magazine. The Apple ran at 1.02 MHz and had upto 64k Ram so although essentially a business computer it had imilar processing power to the BBC Bringing things up to date, for just over £1000 the new iMac that we are using in our office at the moment is like something out of a sci-fi film in comparison - all this in 30 yearsI wonder if the difference between the iMac of today and whats on offer in 30 years will be as marked?
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